Research Center


Quantifying the Importance of Ambulatory Order Visibility

National Association of Healthcare Revenue Integrity

Topics: Compliance, Revenue Integrity

Denny Phillips, President, iPro Healthcare

Ronnie Sutton, Director of Software Services, iPro Healthcare

White Paper Downloads

Revenue Cycle

Critical Risk Factors in Healthcare Software Implementation

A great healthcare experience depends on 3 things: expertise, availability, and workflow. A lean healthcare environment creates value and cuts waste. Implementing the right software solutions accomplishes these goals enterprise-wide, by improving expertise, availability, and workflow. Use this guide to help you properly plan, select, and implement a new software environment for your facility.

Order Management Hospital Revenue Cycle

Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore Order Management in the Hospital Revenue Cycle

In today’s competitive healthcare market, it is imperative for hospitals to pursue and develop every revenue generating opportunity. In order to survive, it is vital for healthcare organizations to offer quality care services, to make smart choices on expense reduction, and to improve in operational efficiency.

Download this whitepaper to learn more of orchestrating profits.

Revenue Leakage Ambulatory Order Management

Fix the Leak with Ambulatory Order Management

Today’s healthcare organization requires constant planning and evaluation to successfully capture revenue and ensure profitability. The factors contributing to a healthy revenue cycle are both intricate and complex.

Download this whitepaper to learn more of this growing issue.

Additional Downloads

Revenue Cycle

Revenue Cycle

Hospitals that rely upon all the features and functionality of iOrder at the front end of their revenue cycle will realize greater efficiencies and cost reductions throughout the entire cycle all the way to final account reconciliation.

Physicians Collaborative Workflow

Physicians Collaborative Workflow

Collaborative workflow is essential to providing higher-quality healthcare at a lower cost.  It minimizes the mistakes, lost information, and lack of transparency that plague most scheduling systems.

Population Health Management

Population Health Management

Government policy and competitive business reality are driving a fundamental change in healthcare from volume-based to outcome-based methodologies affecting reimbursements.

Clinical Decision Support

Clinical Decision Support

 iOrder integrates with CareSelect to make the American College of Radiology’s Appropriateness Criteria available to your providers so that the most appropriate order is requested the first time.  G-codes are provided to comply with the PAMA mandate.

Meaningful Use

Meaningful Use

iOrder provides a single portal for all your facility’s electronic orders. This not only brings about consistency and better communication regarding order requests and orders but iOrder can assist you with meeting aspects of Stage 2 Meaningful Use.

iOrder in a Nutshell

iOrder in a Nutshell

Unmatch integration and workflow transparency. Pre-existing relationships with over 40 popular EHR solution providers. Orders requested are placed directly into the hospital’s HIS.  

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How Can Tech Reduce Burnout Among Healthcare Staff and Improve the Healthcare Experience?

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Patient Engagement: Empowering Patients to Take Charge of Their Care

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How to Improve Patient Safety

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When Disaster Strikes: How Hospitals can Prepare, Respond, and Recover

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4 Initiatives Healthcare Leaders Should Focus on in 2024

2023 will soon be in the rearview mirror. As healthcare leaders shift their focus to 2024, we've compiled a list of four initiatives we think they should keep top of mind: System upgrades & migration Easier data sharing/interoperability Risk mitigation, and...

iPro Byte – 4 Initiatives Healthcare Leaders Should Focus on in 2024

Healthcare leaders juggle many initiatives. Here are four we believe they should focus on in 2024: System upgrades and data migration Easier data sharing and interoperability Risk mitigation, and Multi-departmental benefits Watch the video below to learn why these...

iPro Byte – How Can Tech Reduce Burnout Among Healthcare Staff and Improve the Healthcare Experience?

Technology can play a key role in reducing healthcare burnout and improving the healthcare experience for both patients and providers. Watch the short video below to learn more how tech can reduce burnout, including: AI tools can detect distress Simplifying the EHR by...

iPro Byte – Are Healthcare Leaders Overlooking These 4 Profit Drivers?

A recent Deloitte survey found that healthcare CFO's may be overlooking these 4 profit drivers: Optimizing the service model Increasing payments Transforming care delivery, and Investing in digital transformation Watch the video below to learn more about how these 4...

iPro Byte – Patient Engagement: Empowering Patients to Take Charge of Their Care

Watch the short video below for 3 patient engagement initiatives that empower patients to take charge of their care. For more on empowering patients to take charge of their care, read our full blog.

Give Better Care through Better Orders

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401 S Wall Street Suite 201, Calhoun, GA 30701

iPro is committed to maintaining its verified HIPAA Compliance through technical, physical, and administrative approaches.